The beloved apostle John wrote to Gaius in his third epistle, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” There truly is no greater joy than to see fellow believers following the imperative in II Peter, “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
This walk, this growing, this maturing, that comprises what the believer is to be doing in this present life, is only accomplished through the reading and application of what is read of the Word of God. Solomon well wrote several millennia ago, “of making many books there is no end.” What would he say today? The library of Alexandria, as great as it was in its day, pales in comparison to what we have available today. It greatly saddens me that so many today who name the name of Christ are not getting their proper nourishment from the Word of God but instead are drinking at the fountain of other men’s thoughts about the Word of God. It matters not whether these men are early church fathers, reformers, or contemporaries, when we accept the words of others as truth instead of seeing the truth for ourselves that is the Word of God, we are slowly and systematically starving ourselves. It would be akin to drinking skim milk instead of whole milk, all the while thinking that we were getting the full nutritional value of whole milk when we drank the skim. That just isn’t going to happen.
I am nearing the half century mark of physical life and will be celebrating 37 years of spiritual life soon and have heard countless times of believer’s going off and following the thoughts of men about the Word of God (all the while thinking that they are actually following the Word of God) and then see the shipwreck of their lives a few years down the road. Now I am not against having books, even ones of a Biblical nature. Quite the contrary, I have a small library of my own and wish to continue to add volumes. The possessing of books, the reading of books is not the issue I am at odds with here in this article. It is what many are doing with the information gained from those reading books.
Whatever I believe as a Christian, as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, must come from my own reading, searching, studying of the Word of God. Not what I may hear a preacher say from the pulpit, not what someone may write in a book, but what does God say in His Book. The sieve is the Word of God by which all that enters our minds as acceptable must pass through. It is not by my personal reasoning skills that everything is subjected to, but by “thus saith the Lord.” By precept and principle everything we need for growing, for walking in this Christian life is found in the Word of God. Books can be helpful but only when they echo the words of that which God has given to us in the Word of God.
I would encourage and challenge any and all who read this article to be systematically reading through the Word of God every year. This is a start to growing. Far too many Christians are not even doing this, “brethren, these things ought not to be!” If you would like a reading schedule contact me, I have compiled one that has been a source of great joy to several others and myself through the years.